Regulation & Policies

Regulations & Policies

The Board of Directors have ultimate legal responsibility for LCCM including compliance with UK company law and all other relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice. The current membership is:

  1. Anthony Hamer-Hodges (Principal/CEO)
  2. Amy LeJune (Director)

The academic stem is led by the Academic Board with operational management led by the Senior Management Team.

1. Academic Board

The Academic Board is responsible for teaching, learning and assessment at LCCM. It ensures the College’s programmes meet academic standards and are monitored and enhanced systematically. The membership is detailed below:

  • Anthony Hamer-Hodges (Chair)
  • Kate Smith (Director of Teaching & Learning)
  • Pat Cotton (Head of Music)
  • Austin Milne (Programme Leader for Postgraduate)
  • Oliver Betts (Programme Leader BMus Creative Music Technology)
  • Steve McCarthy (Programme Leader Music Business)
  • Student representative(s)
  • Andres Castellanos (Academic Registrar)
  • Catherine Riley (UCA Collaborative Provision Manager)
  • Dr Peter Fribbins (external member)
  • Stewart Harper (external member)
2. Programme Committees

Each Programme Committee is chaired by a Programme Leader and has a membership of academic staff and students. Programme Committees submit annual reports and action plans to the Academic Board.

3. Staff Student Forum/Town Halls

The Staff student forum provides a formal opportunity for staff and students to discuss the continuous enhancement of the College’s programmes.  Forum membership consists of Programme Leaders, elected Student Representatives and the Chair of the Student Committee. In addition, all students and tutors involved with the programme are invited to attend.

1. Senior Management Team (SMT)

The SMT is responsible for operational delivery against strategic objectives:

  • Anthony Hamer-Hodges (Principal/CEO)
  • Ciarán Robinson (Operations Manager)
  • Andres Castellanos (Academic Registrar)
  • Pat Cotton (Head of Music)
  • Austin Milne (Programme Leader for Postgraduate)
  • Steve McCarthy (Programme Leader Music Business)
  • Kate Smith (Director of Teaching & Learning) 
  • Head of Marketing
  • Head of Student Recruitment
  • Head of Student Committee
2. Student Committee
All programmes have a dedicated External Examiner to ensure consistency of assessment across the sector.  LCCM’s current EE’s are:

Jacob Thompson-Bell (Music)

  • BMus (Hons) Performance & Production
  • BMus (Hons) Composition for Film, Games & other Media
  • MMus Music Performance

Dr Steve Parker (Production)

  • BMus (Hons) Commercial Music Tech
  • MMus Music Production

Sam Murray

MA Creative Entrepreneurship

BA (Hons) Music Business Management

LCCM is committed to having the highest academic quality standards throughout its programmes. Academic standards at LCCM are overseen and reviewed by a range of external bodies and internal processes that enable the enhancement of the overall academic experience for the students

Quality Assurance Agency (QAA).

Full aspects on the college’s approach to quality assurance can be found in our Academic Governance & Quality Assurance Handbook

Awarding Bodies

LCCM is currently an associate college of the University for the Creative Arts and currently delivering and recruiting for courses validated by UCA. The college also is also currently teaching out programmes validated by The Open University (OU).

Through Annual Institution Reviews and Programme evaluation exercises required by our partners we inform future strategic enhancement, short-term action plans and medium-term objectives to continually improve the student experience at LCCM.

Advance HE

LCCM has joined AdvanceHE, the official membership body for higher education providers who are committed to maintaining high standards and innovating best practice. Membership will allow the college to gain sector-wide recognition of our teaching experience and the ability to reflect on and improve our teaching practices.

We have the following other designations and licenses:

TEF Provisional LCCM has opted into the TEF and received a Provisional award.

Department for Education (DfE). LCCM is a registered learning provider with the UKPRN: 10066551

LCCM is committed to offering its creative degrees to the widest possible audience and welcomes applications from all people who can demonstrate a serious interest in creative expression and the clear capacity for intellectual, artistic and professional development.


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Book your place at our next Open Day and find out more about LCCM and why it’s the place to be.

If you have any questions regarding LCCM, please call us on 020 3535 1080 or e-mail us at or complete the form on this page and we will get back to you shortly.